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My Utah Marathon Experience: Huntsville Marathon

Earlier this year when I ran the Rome Marathon , I got it on my heart to run in Florence this Fall. There was a remarkable hallway at the race expo with booths advertising all of the other marathons you could run in Italy and Europe, and the idea of Florence swept me away just like the thought of Rome did. Its slogan was "Run In Art," and so I planned to be back later in the year.  So far, running twice a year has been the right number for me. It's the balance between dying and regenerating/forgetting about the pain in time for the next one. I love running marathons, because they are just so hard, and I think that the amount of strain directly correlates with the feeling of euphoria. I can go through that about twice a year.   In order to get to Florence and acclimate myself before running I'd have to be there for at least a few days beforehand but I wound up with a job opportunity that took it out of the picture for me. So then I looked at Assisi, a very close seco

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