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Christian Speed Dating Experience + What Does it Mean to be Equally Yoked?

Just before I took off to Canada for a couple of months to work on a TV series called When Hope Calls , I decided at the last minute to go and check out a Christian speed dating night in LA .  And yes, that's right, after missing my family and holding out during a year of complete obliteration of the film industry in LA, my first show back was called ' When Hope Calls .' I could not make that up. Anyway, I signed up for the Christian speed dating mostly for the experience. I took my friend Colin's advice who told me to "do it for the plot!" It reminded me of a similar sentiment that David Sedaris shared on his Masterclass , which was basically that he felt bad for people who weren't writers, because he wondered what they would be able to do with any of the horrific or embarassing things they had to experience if they couldn't write about them. I thought that even if I were to walk into a terribly awkward evening, then at least I would have an interesti...

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